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This website is based on the design principle of accessibility and uses keyboard shortcuts to strengthen the browsing convenience. The layout is divided into 4 areas:
 1. the main menu zone at the top,
 2. the content zone at the center,
 3. the navigation menu zone on the left side,
 4. the bottom menu zone at the bottom.

The following keys are set as the access keys (or speed keys) of this website:
Alt+U: Main menu block, containing the links to the services of this site.
Alt+C: Main content area shows the content of each page.
Alt+L: Navigation links on the Left area.
Alt+Z: Bottom menu area.
If you are using Firefox, the shortcut key method is Shift+Alt+(access key letter), for example, Shift+Alt+C will jump to the central section of the webpage, and so on.

8F., No.7, Sec. 1, Roosevelt Rd., Jhongjheng District, Taipei City 100215, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Service E-mail:icserve@moea.gov.tw   Tel:+886-2-3343-5700  
Copyright © 2016 Department of Investment Review, Ministry of Economic Affairs, R.O.C.
Best viewed with Microsoft Edge/Firefox 30/Chrome 27 or higher with 1024 x 768 resolution